I have to admit that I am a last minute elf person. Are you stuck wondering what other elf ideas you can come up with? I thought there might be a few of you who like me also wonder what to do with your elf, or in my case elves.
That’s one of the reasons I created these 24 Free Elf on The Shelf Printables. These free printables will help get your elf ideas and juices flowing for the best Christmas yet!
If you’re looking for more holiday ideas, you might also enjoy this recipe for the perfect meringue cookies.

Free Elf on the Shelf Printables and Elf Ideas
Unlike most roundups of Elf on the Shelf Printables, we created a group of printables that can be used for the entire month of December. Each day has the same printable theme, and each day has a little note from the elf.
There is always a little reminder from the elf that they are watching, and that Santa Claus is coming soon!
Check out these cute and clever Elf on the Shelf Ideas and download the FREE Elf on The Shelf Printables. But first I have to tell you about how I ran out of elf ideas.
Why I ran out of Elf Ideas
Let me tell you a quick story about my mother in law. (This should be good, right!?)
We sometimes jokingly call her Santa Claus. She is always bringing gifts for the kids. Normally that’s not a big deal and it doesn’t harm anything. But one year her gift giving caused great harm.
It made me lose my sanity.
She decided she would give the kids an elf. Great idea! We didn’t have one at the time and the kids were asking about them.
But she didn’t gift the kids with one elf.
She gifted EACH kid with their OWN elf.
Now that’s all fine and good for grandma. She doesn’t have to stay up late on a school night or a work night and try and decide what the heck these elves are going to do or where they will go. That’s up to me.
And so my elf stress levels went berserk.
But I quickly put my thinking cap on and I eventually overcame that battle. And since I figured I am probably not the only one who is having to figure out new and unique elf ideas, I thought I would share them here with you.
I created these cute themed Elf on the Shelf Printables that are perfect for the holidays. Not only that, but these little notes will also help YOU out in the long run.
The kids will be brushing their teeth, making their beds, and reading their favorite Christmas stories to their elves. Now that’s a BIG WIN.
Are you ready for the magic? Check out these cute elf ideas and free printables below.
1. Elf on the Shelf Printables – Elf Ideas Number 1
I put these elf ideas first because you, like me, might be a little late with your elf. Ok, maybe A LOT late with the elf in my case. It’s been a little crazy around here with illnesses, moving, and just everyday life. I am raising my hand to tell you I had a total mom failure, and I am having some mom guilt.
Our elves didn’t arrive until December 15th. GASP. I know. I’m horrible. But these cute little printables will hopefully make up for the delay.

2. Elf on the Shelf Printables – Elf Ideas Number 2
Ok, so I might not be the only parent who hates moving their elves every night. I say that because my mother in law thought it would be perfect for ALL FOUR kids to have an elf. Not just an elf for the house. So I have to think of creative ways to move ALL of the elves around every night.
That’s another reason why these guys leave notes! If they don’t move, it’s because they are watching you. Did you make your bed? Did you brush your teeth?
3. Elf on the Shelf Printables – Elf Ideas Number 3
So I might be a little grouchy when it comes to the elves. It’s difficult enough to come up with one creative way to move them, but four ways in one night? That’s why I created these fun mischievous notes.
Be bold. Be brave. Sprinkle some chocolate or some glitter. The elves will tell the kids what they’ve been up to all night.

4. Elf on the Shelf Printables – Elf Ideas Number 4
If you’ve started running out of ideas for your elves, these printable notes are perfect. In fact, our Elf on the Shelf printable notes asks our children to read them a book and to write a list of their favorite Christmas gifts.
5. Elf on the Shelf Printables – Elf Ideas Number 5
There’s nothing worse than having your older and more curious kiddos stay up late to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus. These next printables will help with that! It’s a great way to make sure they’ve made the cookies and that they get to sleep fast. Santa comes only when they are fast asleep!
These are just a few of our themed free Elf on the Shelf Printables. I hope they save you a little sanity and help generate some new elf ideas for your house.
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