DIY Turquoise Necklace
I don’t know about the rest of you, but sometimes FaceBook is just NOT GOOD for my pocketbook. Between all of the cute children’s wear, to jewelry auctions, you can just “click” and “comment” and you are $$$$ lighter in your pocketbook!
This is one of those items that would make my pocketbook lose weight! Now, I LOVE this necklace, and I ADORE Turquoise, and even though this has yet to go up for auction at Dallas Rocks Jewelry Auctions, I knew at once I had to make this for myself.
How to Make a Turquoise Necklace
So…I RAN to Michael’s with my 40% off coupon and purchased these flat stone turquoise rocks for less than $6 with coupon.
I also purchased these gold metal beads, and some natural cotton braiding cord. The total purchase was less than $10.

Necklace Supplies
You are going to need about 30″ of the cord, and as you can see in the pic, I also took my scissors and kind of angled the tip of the cord. The holes for the turquoise are small, and using an angle helps.
*You will also probably snip an inch or two here and there as the end frays, but you will have enough cord! Promise.

Braiding Cord
DIY Turquoise Necklace
Follow these steps:
1st. Line up the stones as you would like for them to be placed. I used 5 stones, and had them in the sizing order of my preference.
2nd. Tie a know in your cord. Add two metal beads, and then tie another knot.
3rd. Add your stone, then tie a knot again.
You will continue alternating these steps until you are finished adding your stones, then follow up with another knot, two more metal beads, and your last know.
**Here it is again** Knot, beads, Knot, stone, knot, beads, knot, stone, knot beads, etc, etc, etc until done

Follow the steps to create
There you have it, all done and ready to go! Super cute, handmade, and less than $10!
Stay tuned, on Monday I am going to show you how to make the Gold and Turquoise Cuff bracelet I have been having my eye on….can’t wait to pair these two up! (Which is why I used the gold beads between the Turquoise!!)
Did you like this tutorial? Let me know by leaving me a comment!

DIY Turquoise Necklace
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This is so natural and pretty! Great idea
Thank Rosi! 🙂
Love this!! I am going to make for a gift… How did you do the clasp in the back? 🙂
I’ve had stones of different colors of turquoise; so, I’m gonna do this necklace. Been wanting to see it already done. You just did it. Thanks