Hello PinkWhen readers! I am Bethany and I blog at Whistle and Ivy, and I am so excited to share this project with you today. Springtime has been wonderful here in Utah and we have been loving the warm sunshine and opening up the windows. The sunlight shines beautifully through my kitchen window and I knew it would be the perfect place for this Faux Stained Glass Suncatcher.
This suncatcher is amazingly easy, it has a beautiful effect and it comes together with only a few dollars.
Faux Stained Glass Suncatcher
What you need:
- Thrifted wooden frame
- Modpodge
- Black Acrylic Paint
- Food Coloring
- Foam Brush
- Solid Color Washi Tape
- Paper Trimmer
- Ruler
Start with your frame. This big wooden one was perfect and only cost 2 bucks.
Take your frame apart. You don’t need the back, you will only be using the glass and the frame.
Using a straight-edge, draw geometric lines (or whatever shape you want) using a permanent marker. Don’t worry! It’s “permanent”, but with a little effort and a damp cloth you can rub off your design and start over if you need to (it’s not like I had to do that, or anything…).
DIY Faux Stained Glass Suncatcher
Next, mix the food coloring into the Mod Podge. I did 4-5 drops. Remember, it looks pastel, but your colors will look different when the Mod Podge dries.
Fill in your colors with the foam brush. If you go over your lines a bit, it’s okay. They will be covered up by the washi tape when it’s dry.
Let the Mod Podge dry over night. While it’s drying, you can get started on refinishing your frame. I chose a matte black finish using acrylic paint.
Once the Mod Podge is dry, you can add the washi tape. I wanted it thinner, and since I couldn’t get my hands on some narrow washi tape, I decided to make my own with my paper trimmer. Take a strip of washi tape and run it down the line on the trimmer, make sure the cutting line is in the the middle of your strip.
Cut and separate the strips and run them along the lines on your glass, color side down.
Finish by putting your glass back in your frame. Hang it over a bright window.
So easy! We love our new suncatcher.
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This is really neat! I wonder, could this be done on windows itself and washed off if wanting to change colors? I have some small windows by my front door I would love to stained glass effect to, but if I wanted to change colors down the line or remove the stained glass would the modge podge be able to wipe off?
Great idea! Love it!!
So pretty! Love it!
Thanks Ashley! Bethany is so talented. I love all of her awesome posts she shares over here.
Incredible idea! I have been looking for a fun vintage sun catcher for my kitchen window and haven’t found one that I like. Now I can make one! And the ingredients are so basic….I have them all already! Excellent tutorial!
Beautiful! What a great project…. Thank you