One of the things I love the most about this easy breakfast or brunch is that it’s REALLY easy and you don’t have to have a lot of time to make these. This simple spinach and tomato frittata is so quick and delicious and it keeps me satisfied all morning long. If you are looking for an easy, delicious, and healthy way to start the day you should keep reading.
Sometimes making breakfast is just HARD. It’s easier to just grab a snack bar, or a protein drink, or maybe even nothing at all. OR, run through a drive thru and pick up something completely unhealthy. Breakfast doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t mean you have to take a lot of time preparing it, either.
This Simple Spinach and Tomato Frittata is a quick and simple solution to a healthy breakfast.
Simple Spinach and Tomato Frittata
To get started, you only need to have a few supplies on hand:
- small personal skillet
- spinach leaves
- cherry tomatoes, halved
- 2-3 lightly beaten eggs
- salt/pepper (optional)
Heat your oven to broil.
To get started, place a drop of olive oil in the bottom of the skillet and rub it around. Grab a few spinach leaves and start wilting them over medium heat for 20-30 seconds.
Add the cherry tomato halves and then pour the egg mixture over the tomatoes and spinach.
Once the mixture is almost completely done, place it under the broiler for a few seconds to finish cooking the top.
Sprinkle the top with a little salt and pepper and you are ready to eat! You could also try adding more items to your frittata to make it even more tasty! Try adding green onion tops, diced turkey bacon, a little cheese…all of these things just add more flavor to an already delicious breakfast.
I hope you enjoyed this quick and easy recipe. If you are looking for more simple and healthy recipes, check out the Simple Fit Forty section on the blog under the cooking section. We share many different healthy options to help you on your way to becoming fit and healthy. We also have a secret Facebook group where we share even MORE about healthy eating and staying fit. If you want to join our secret Facebook group, Simple Fit Forty Lifestyle, and be a part of the community, you can do so here.
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