One of the biggest ways to start clean eating is by adding more water to your diet. If you are accustomed to drinking sodas and coffee all day long, drinking water is probably not high on your list. In order to cut out all of the excess sugars and fats, you need to add more water to your diet. I remember when I would drink 8 sodas a DAY! Can you imagine what my kidneys were thinking? Check out this list of 8 delicious fruit infused detox waters and start adding a little water to your life.
Can you imagine what my poor kidneys were thinking when I was drinking no less than 8 sodas a day? I didn’t even try to drink the diet sodas, I wanted the REAL thing. It wasn’t until I was on my second soda one morning that my heart went into a fast rhythm and I fell into SVT. It was a seriously high heart rate that had me landed into the Emergency Room at a hospital about 2 hours away from my home.
While everything turned our OK that day, I learned that I needed to stay away from caffeinated products and drink more water. I am not sure if my body was saying enough is enough, but I decided to listen. After a couple of days with caffeine withdrawal and a light headache because of it, I officially became caffeine free.
That was almost TEN years ago. Now I rarely drink anything but water (and the occasional smoothie or glass of wine.) I took my little issue “to heart” and decided I needed to make some serious changes to my life, and my health, and my overall diet. (You can click below for a free copy of my Simple Fit Dinners Ebook)
If you don’t like water and don’t drink a lot of water, it can be hard to start loving it. While I drink plenty of plain water, it can be easier to transition over with fruit additives. Check out this amazing round up of 8 delicious fruit infused detox waters.
Fruit Infused Detox Waters
Strawberry, Lime, and Basil Thirst Quencher
Kiwi Blackberry Fruit Infused Water
Mango Infused Sparkling Water
Don’t you love this great list of detox waters options? Start drinking more water gradually by replacing a soda a day, and keep track of it with a phone app such as Water Drink Reminder. It will help remind you to drink water and keep track of your results.
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I love a good infused water and keep a jug in the fridge all the time.
Thanks for including my strawberry basil combination!